Monday Group

Getting Acquainted with The Secret Doctrine — a written course by John Algeo
3rd Monday of the month, 7:00 – 8:00  p.m. CT
with Linda Dorr and John Greisen
Join at any time!

Get acquainted with one of the most remarkable books in the world—H. P. Blavatsky’s master work, The Secret Doctrine. This course’s discussion is intended as an introduction for beginner students, although more advanced students may also find something of interest. The exploration will include: the type of book The Secret Doctrine is, the process by which it was written, its organizational structure, the method of study, and more. 

Each month the group will reflect on a chapter from the study course Getting Acquainted with The Secret Doctrine. During the meeting specific quotes will be shared and discussed. Participants are encouraged to read the chapter before each meeting. Click here to download a PDF version of the study guide. 

September 16, 2024
Chapter 1: Introduction: The Secret Doctrine as a Book of Discovery

The Secret Doctrine can be called a Heuristic book. The word heuristic comes ultimately from the Greek word to discover.” - Algeo 

October 21, 2024
Chapter 2:
An Overview of the Book: Title Page

The Secret Doctrine is a paradox. A paradox is something that seems to be contradictory but is really profoundly true.” - Algeo 

November 18, 2024
Chapter 3: An Overview of the Book: Dedication, Preface, Contents, and Epigraphs

“This work I dedicate to all true Theosophists, in every country, and of every race, for they called it forth, and for them it was recorded." - SD

December 16, 2024
Chapter 4: The Writing of The Secret Doctrine
“Higgedly-piggedly it came, in a ceaseless rivulet, each paragraph complete in itself and capable of being excised without harm to its predecessor or successor. - Old Diary Leaves 

January 20, 2025
Chapters 5 & 6: Editions of The Secret Doctrine / How to Study The Secret Doctrine
"Reading the S.D. page by page as one reads any other book will only end in confusion." - The Bowen Notes 

February 17, 2025
Chapter 7: The Three Fundamental Propositions

“A good way to begin studying The Secret Doctrine is thus to understand certain key ideas expressed in key passages. The goal is intuitive insight.” - Algeo

March 17, 2025
Chapter 8: The Recapitulation of Volume 1

The Secret Doctrine is the accumulated wisdom of the ages.” - SD 

April 21, 2025
Chapters 9 & 10: Preliminary Notes to Volume 2 / Conclusion to Volume 2

“It is only in the XXth century that portions, if not the whole, of the present work will be vindicated.” - Algeo

May 19, 2025
Chapter 11: Other approaches to The Secret Doctrine / Why we study The Secret Doctrine 
“The true student of The Secret Doctrine is a Jnana Yogi, and this path of yoga is the true path for the Western student.” - The Bowen Notes 

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LIndaLinda Dorr is the Central Board of Directors of the TSA and current president of the Wheaton-Olcott Lodge. She volunteers in the Olcott Library and Archives, and actively contributes to the research and writing for the Theosophy Wiki. She finds theosophy endlessly fascinating — and, perhaps more important, highly meaningful.


John Greisen is a member of the Portland Oregon Lodge. He is a deep student of theosophy and has participated in the Theosophical Society in England and Wales diploma program. He is the creator of the Instagram page @theosophy_station, where he chronicles his own journey in theosophy and shares insights and reflections.




Program Format
This is a live, interactive online program. This program will not be recorded.

Join online via ​a Zoom link that will be emailed upon your registration. Please download Zoom for free at and test your connection at For further information, check out or email